For the first time in India the construction industry is going to have a handbook with all the guideline for PRECAST CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION and it's published by Indian Concrete Institute (ICI), which is an all India body with more than 10,000 members and constituted to promote concrete construction. ICI will be submitting this book to BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) for their approval and this handbook will have 18 chapters written by different authors like Professors from IIT Chennai, ICI Members and Industry professionals.
This handbook will be accompanied by a Sourcing Directory which will list various companies from this industry under each category. This directory will serve as an industry 'Buyer's Guide' for several years to come and it's a one-time-opportunity for any company which caters to construction and infrastructure projects because this book will reach the core group of buyers in the construction industry like;
Project Managers
Civil Engineers and Consultants
Structural Engineers
Highway Authorities and Designers
Local and Central Govt. Authorities
This directory will be distributed directly by ICI through its 30 regional offices across the country and so you can rest assure that this book reach your potential buyers and it's going to be an unmatched platform to brand your products.
One-time Opportunity!
Don't miss this golden chance to drive your business growth and give your brand a winning edge because ICI doesn't have any plans to produce a 2nd edition of this directory or the handbook. As you would understand, a lot of work has been put into this project by industry experts from ICI and IIT Madras and so it would become a mandate to have a copy of this handbook and follow the norms in precast concrete construction.
Appeal Letter from Indian Concrete Institute (ICI)
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About Indian Concrete Institute (ICI)
To create awareness amongst the construction engineers about modern concrete construction practices, an International Seminar and Exhibition on ‘Modernization of Concrete Practices – ISEMCC-82’ was jointly organized by the Structural Engineering Research Centre and Anna University during 21-27, January, 1982 in Chennai. It generated great enthusiasm among the participants and a resolution was adopted at the conclusion of ISEMCC-82 to form the “Indian concrete Institute.” Read more...
To create awareness amongst the construction engineers about modern concrete construction practices, an International Seminar and Exhibition on ‘Modernization of Concrete Practices – ISEMCC-82’ was jointly organized by the Structural Engineering Research Centre and Anna University during 21-27, January, 1982 in Chennai. It generated great enthusiasm among the participants and a resolution was adopted at the conclusion of ISEMCC-82 to form the “Indian concrete Institute.”
The Institute was registered as a society on 7th September, 1982 with headquarters in Chennai and has been in service to the industry and the professionals, since then, with the following objectives.
- To promote growth of concrete construction and its sub-specializations.
- To disseminate information and to arrange to train personnel for the needs of changing concepts in the technology.
- To collaborate with national and international agencies in creating better understanding of concrete construction technology.
- To indentify R & D problems of practical relevance to concrete construction technology.
- To institute and distribute awards for outstanding achievements in concrete construction technology.
- To arrange periodical seminars and exhibitions on the subject and
- To arrange annual lecture series on selected topics of relevance to concrete constructions.
The institute has more than 10,000 members. Individuals and organizations, working in the field of concrete and interested in the advancement of construction technology, in the use of material, equipment, process design, concrete products, construction, teaching or research are the members of the Institute. It is governed by a council of a President, four Vice Presidents, Nine Members and the Secretary General manages the Head Quarters and coordinates the activities of all the regional centres. To cater to the regional needs, 30 centres are functioning in major cities/towns across the length and breadth of India and these centres are managed by respective executive committees.
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